Paraphrase of task #3

“While all engineers should have good communication skills, global engineers

face additional challenges, making effective communication an imperative.”

Debra Kraft, Careers Content Writer, Demand Media (2016)

According to Kraft(2016), engineering is very technical so when engineers explain to a global team, they must be able to understand key points of the project, otherwise the end product will be different from expected.


  1. The paraphrasing is good and I could understand what you are trying to put across. I too agree that engineers will need to understand clearly on the task at hand before they are able to lead the team or explain to the audience in a way that they will be able to understand.

  2. Hi Yue Feng!

    I just read your paraphrase and I love your view and understanding on what Debra Kraft had mentioned. Your points are clear and valid.

    Ian Marc

  3. Hi Yue Feng, the paraphrasing is similar as mine and I believe we have the same view on what the Debra Kraft meant.


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